© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Exercise - Day 9

I have found myself in competition with another slimmer who is a member of a weight loss forum i joined, to see who can achieve the most steps in a day, day one which was Monday i was soundly beaten 16,483 steps to my 13,092 steps.

Yesterday by midday it looked like i was on course for a +-8000 step day so at 1pm i went out for a 1.5km stroll around the industrial area i work in and added an extra 951 steps to my daily total and burned 126 calories. According to my heart rate monitor I also managed 7 minutes of fat burn, 5 minutes of cardio and my heart rate peaked for 4 minutes.  It was hot though, wow, at one point my walk took me under a 100m cooler covered area which was a blessing.

When i got home from work my steps were around 7000 so i told Shannon i was going out for a walk, she asked if we the family could all go out together which i thought was a great idea so i suggested we all drive down to the beach for a sunset walk, which we did.

We strapped baby Ethan to my chest in a baby harness, Ryan decked out in his shorts and tee, and with sunglasses on Shannon and myself hit the beach with our brood.

We walked along the water line for 1 hour, covered just over 4km, burnt off 714 calories and more importantly i added 4043 steps to my daily total.

The sunset was stunning, Ryan had a great time, got soaking wet, befriended a piece of discarded seaweed, chased our shadows up the beach as the sun set and laughed his head off, Ethan smiled and cooed and finally fell asleep with his head on my chest, Shannon was laughing and joking and told me how proud she was of me, so all in all it was such a beautiful, natural and relaxed way to exercise.

During the one hour walk on the beach my heart rate was constantly in the fat burn zone which was an added bonus.

And as for the step competition i narrowly won 13286 to 13194...


  1. Loved that walk. . Looking forward to more

  2. Sandy beaches, the sound of the waves and even a view of Table Mountain! All I get here is the constant drone of the highway and the ear-splitting sound of the neighbourhood dogs. Sigh. Maybe if I close my eyes the highway can sound like waves...no wait, that dog ruined it. And what's with the added weight on your chest? I see I will have to up my game...

    1. Pieter The Walking Machine thanks for the comment, is there somewhere close by you can nip out in the car to walk? Baby Ethan is no where near walking yet so i figure why not punish my fat ankles by adding a few more kg's to my walk...


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