© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Monday, March 02, 2015

Week 3 - Time to hit the scales

Well well well, i was freaking out about todays weigh in, it is not that i have been eating outwith my set parameters but as i am 160kg+ i understandably still feel big, fat and uncomfortable but look below it seems i had nothing to worry about and i am happy i am losing the weight nice and slowly, for the record though my last weigh in was 4 days late on the Thursday instead of the Monday:

Weight last week: 161.1kg
Weight today: 159.1kg
Weight lost week 2: 1kg
Weight lost total 7.9kg

BMI last week: 49.4
BMI today: 49.1
BMI week 3 improved by: 0.3
BMI total improved by: 2.4

BF% last week: 34.11%
BF% this week: 33.74%
BF% week 3 improved by: 0.37%
BF% total improved by: 2.89%

Weeks to go 58 out of 62...

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