© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Meals - Day 33

You may be asking where have i been?  Speculation has reached epic levels, 'has he fallen off the wagon and into a huge box of sausage rolls?' 'as usual the fat guy gives it all the large talk for the first 2 weeks then loses interest!' 'Did TBC lose so much weight so quickly he doesn't have the energy to even type out a blog?' 'has he decided fat is the new thin?' and so on but the truth is way more devastating than that, please allow me to tell you the dark tale of the poor dieter who got the dreaded Man Flu!

Man Flu exists, it has been proven (sort of, by random unqualified people on the internet), the virus can only be contracted with those with the XY chromosome i.e men and in no way can the severity of Man Flu be compared to normal flu which is a far less aggressive strain of flu which only targets those with the XX chromosome namely women, in fact in every unsubstantiated study it has been unofficially proven that women are in fact immune to the hateful, debilitating and near fatal strain of Man Flu only men are susceptible to contracting.

Wednesday the 4th of March, I remember that fateful day as if it was yesterday, the itchy nose and throat, the general miserableness of my behavior and the all telling sneezes, immediately i self diagnosed myself (as all men are qualified to do) with the onset of severe Man Flu, and as expected the following day i was man down, bedridden, shivering and contemplating who would attend my funeral, Shannon was informed immediately of my condition and reminded of it constantly for the following 6 days, potions were hastily provided; tablets, hot drinks, sprays, pillows were fluffed and the bedroom sealed off for obvious bio hazard reasons, TV remote controls were provided and an ad placed in the local paper warning others to leave me alone and only make contact with me if they had genuine messages of condolence, support and empathy.

I soldiered on for 6 long days, regularly drifting in and out of consciousness, sleep was my only friend and Man Flu was my nemesis.

Fortunately i made it through, i am now feeling much better but the legacy of Man Flu is still with me, the odd snotty nose, mild feverish moments during the day and my ears are constantly blocked.  I am just happy i am still around to tell you the tale.

One thing i didn't do was feed the flu, i couldn't remember if you feed a flu and starve a fever so i prompted for the safer option to starve the fever, i kept up my 6 meals a day, managed to get plenty of fibre and other nutrients into my body, i raised my carb intake by 10% and made sure i was eating plenty of fruit for vitamin C, my only let down was i didn't drink my daily 2 litre plus of water per day and possibly the fact i was eating more after 7pm due to sleeping most of the day but even then i stayed away from anything with a high fat content.

I am back now, back on my meal plan proper and happy that i didn't let my food addiction get the better of me when i was at my lowest.

Regular service has been resumed.

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