© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Exercise - Day 33

As you may have read in 'Meals - Day 33' i contracted the debilitating and possibly near fatal Man Flu,

Between 5th and 12th of March not a lot of exercise took place, i slept more than i walked, when not sleeping i sat around feeling sorry for myself and became a veritable recluse only venturing out of the safety of my home for visits to the pharmacy to try various combinations of over the counter remedies in the hope my life could be spared.

It was a bit mental to be honest, on the 5th at 1500 hours my step count was 257!  It if the count had not been so tragic the whole situation would have been funny.

The only helpful thing to come out of those 5 or 6 mostly bedridden days was the fact that i was able to monitor my BMR and TDEE (see blog Meals - Day 9 for more info), during this period of inactivity i still wore my fitness watch which was able to track my heart rate and level of METs, and sure enough it was kicking out figures of a daily total calorie burn of around 2900.

I am back on the horse now, well back in the trainers, my step count is back up over 10k per day, the family are once again enjoying outdoor excursions together and last night i started a light weights regime working on my arms by doing 6 reps of 20 baby bumps, basically the technique involves me lying on my back and whilst holding baby Ethan in my hands i then proceed to lifting him up to a straight arm position and then lowering him until i feel the strain on my biceps, holding this position for 2 seconds then repeating.

Don't worry no babies where harmed in this workout in fact baby Ethan appeared to really enjoy it with huge smiles and cute little noises, my only worry was Ethans propensity to vomit all over me whenever he comes near me which would have proved disastrous to my calorie intake if he had 'got me' when in such a vulnerable position.  I wonder if their is a way of calculating calories in baby vomit?

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