© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Exercise - Day 22

Cape Town at 43 degrees Celsius was for a brief period the worlds hottest city yesterday, it is a simple fact of meteorology that when the wind doesn't blow in the Cape of Storms the mercury hits record heights,  Tuesdays temperature was also Kapstaads hottest recorded day for over 100 years in light of that fact i didn't take a lunch time walk yesterday, Noel Coward may have sung about 'mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun' but this expat was staying put in his office with the fan on surrounded by empty bottles of chilled water, no way was i lugging myself around in that heat if i had braved it and gone out i may well of been writing todays blog from a hospital bed having to over hear doctors and nurses referring to me as a daft tourist...

Luckily though after 6pm the temp dropped and with still no wind on the cards it was perfect weather to hit the beach with the family for a stomp, we walked the opposite direction to last time past the rock pools full of kids armed with small nets and buckets, we strolled past the locals who are in the know sat round their portable tables adorned with brightly coloured table cloths and picnic fair and watched the sun disappearing over Robin Island after it's long day of baking Cape Town to a crisp.

The period just after sunset on the beach is magical, photographers refer to is as 'The Golden Hour' because the light reddens and softens giving everything a rose tinted spectacle look to it.

So we walked 4km, i hit my step goal for the day, walking in the soft sand gave my upper legs are well needed workout, Ryan got soaking wet, Shannon looked hot in her white cap, big sunglasses, pink top and shorts and everyone had a fun time,

Apparently this constitutes exercise, i find this very appealing as exercise to me in the past has always meant near killing myself with a heart rate of 180bmp on a stair-master in a smelly gym!

Most people picture exercise to be like this...

...when sometimes it can be like this!

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