© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Exercise - Week 13

I am now running more and walking less on my trips around the block,

I am still hitting my daily steps goal of +10k and due to my massive stomach piling pressure on my groin muscles i am not able to run every day but never the less when i feel like i can i run.

My normal circuit takes me out of my house and i walk down to the complex gate on the way i start running at a speed hump to the gate which is about 150 steps, i take a left and down onto a backstreet and run the length of one block from the same road marking to the street sign again and then walk round the corner and run the next block from a pile of bricks to the end of the pavement, i huff and puff down to the next junction and run another block, walk up to the tree on the left and run until the second palm tree on the right, at the top of the road i run from a large plant pot to the next junction walk a bit more and start running again at the end of a small wooden fence until the driveway with the stone balls, I get back to the complex and run from the gate back to the speed hump walk a bit and run from the next speed hump to the one at the end of our cul de sac, its hard but i enjoy it for the sense of achievement.

What i have done is added more running sections, 2 more now where in the past i would walk and i have also lengthened the distance markers i run to by a few metres here and there also i reduce the time between running the sections as i get further in, i am covering 2.5km in 26.45 minutes (when i started it was 45 minutes) and i am slowly getting closer to my goal of running the Two Oceans 5km run next year with Shannons dad who incidentally was the 2nd person to complete 10 Two Oceans ultra marathons in a row (34 miles), he was there on the very first one when only about 15-20 people ran without a tv camera or sponsor in sight, nowadays 20 thousand plus run the televised main event...

I leave on business tomorrow and on a night time in the safety of my own room i will start some yoga type core strengthening techniques to try and work on the belly fat, i will of course also keep on walking and running.

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