© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Monday, August 17, 2015

One big blog - Week 28

I am determined to reach my goal by week 62, that was my initial assessment of how long it would take to safely drop a whole person i.e 80+ kg from my starting weight of 167kg, i am and have been plateauing around 140kg for the past 3 weeks, i know why and to be honest i am a wee bit bothered about it now, so i thought i would blog anyway to help those like myself who may find themselves in a similar situation, get it off my chest and start again.

I have found that there are three main components to successful weight loss and since i dropped 2 from my routine my weight loss has stopped, it's very interesting and just goes to show that yes i am eating properly and yes i am still creating a 1000 calorie daily deficit but i am not drinking 3 liters of water a day now, some days zero liters of water and neither am i exercising, i am still hitting my 10k steps a day 90% of the time but i am not spending an hour every day focusing on exercise, there's been no running or spinning i have just been going about my day as normal, goes to show that the science of water and it's effects on weight loss especially the metabolizing of fat is spot on and spending an hour with the heart rate in the fat burn zone really does make a difference. 

I see a lot of people on weight loss forums moaning that they are using a sports watch but they are not losing weight, they are creating a deficit but question whether the data their watch is producing is correct, my advice to the majority of those people who are possibly in denial is be honest with yourselves, don't just count on the deficit to help with weight loss?  Look at your diet is it balanced? Are you still eating rubbish high sugar high trans fatty foods either side of your hummus salad and even though you're hitting 2400 kcal a day you are expecting a change in weight?  Are you being honest with your portion sizes, go and have another look at what a cup measurement actually looks like my bet is a lot of us imagine a cup measurement at twice the size it actually is.  Do you partake in any real exercise or like me think the 10k steps broken up throughout your day counts?  Are you drinking more coffee or diet drinks than water are you drinking any water at all? I dropped 30kg in 6 months whilst the trinity of diet, water and exercise where all in harmony with one another since i have removed the last 2 weight loss has stopped... This is what i am experiencing i know i have become a bad dieter i know where i have been going wrong because i have the proof and that is the number on the scales. 


I wonder how many people can identify with this, the motivation to lose weight decreases as the old clothes too small 10 months ago start coming back into play like jeans other than supermarket dad jeans, in February this year i was struggling to get a 48" waist relaxed fit jean fastened, 6 months later i am now removing my 42" regular Wranglers without undoing the buttons, i've gone down 8 holes on my belt, i have a cupboard full of 4xl t shirts mentally labelled as 'for sleeping in only', i'm rocking a bit of fashion now and on a whole feeling good about my transformation from wearing anything because it just fits me to being able to browse the clothing in the local department store without crying into my cream donuts because nothing is even close to my size. Point is i am still massive, i am still 140kg, sure people are saying to me 'wow you look great, you've lost so much weight' it is true i have but i started at 167kg and 140kg is just not good enough i cannot lose sight of that because i know i still have a long way to go for the 42" waist has to become at the very most a 38" the XXL shirts have to be a minimum fit of XL the normal XL the standard XL for want of a better phrase the Ben Sherman XL (chunky people who like the odd fancy shirt or polo know what i am on about).

If i don't get my current situation in check i will eventually start putting on weight again, i know this because this is the pattern of weight loss i have experienced my whole adult life, start a diet, go mad about it, obsess, tell loads of people what i am up to, lose a chunk of weight, start dressing better which in turn leads to more socializing then lose track of the main goal by enjoying a mid term goal slowly fall off the wagon and boom before you can blink that's 10% of the lost body weight back on...

I refuse to to accept what i have achieved as the end of my journey, i am back on the water, the fridge dispenser is full up again and my trusty filter bottle is back on my desk, i have dug out the measuring cups to refresh in my mind what a portion size is, i am going back to getting out of the house more walking in blocks, time for a reboot...

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