© Andrew Wallace, The Baggy Cantona, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Exercise - Week 24

The main reason i haven't blogged in a while is i have had nothing in the exercise department to blow my trumpet about, i haven't been hitting my 10k steps during the week nor have i been on the bike, in the gym or hitting the weights, it is for a variety of reasons:

Reason (excuse 1): It's cold.
Reason (excuse 2): It's dark early, walking after work in the dark can be not very safe here.
Reason (excuse 3): Gyms smell and are expensive.
Reason (excuse 4): Laziness.
Reason (excuse 5): I am still losing weight steadily without exercise.
Reason (excuse 6): I can now fit into clothes which make me feel better about myself.
Reason (excuse 7): I've lost 28kg in 24 weeks and have another 38 weeks to go so no rush.
Reason (excuse 8): I'm now so far out of routine i am procrastinating heavily.

At the weekend i do try and stay as mobile as possible, my thinking is as soon as the nights get lighter and the sun shines a bit more i'll be out again wunning and also the fact i am losing weight still and i am in no rush is also keeping me off the exercise, if and i know this to be true if i get on the scales after 3 or 4 weeks and i haven't lost weight or hell of hells have gained weight i'll be motivated to be out on the roads at lunch time again or on the bike with the crazy viking after work.

I remember my last proper walk like it was yesterday (which it wasn't),

About 4 weeks ago i took my usual Saturday morning 3.5km walk down to the hairdresser, dressed as normal in a zippy hoody with t-shirt underneath, jeans, kicks, socks and pants as you do, the walk takes around 30 minutes, the route is out of complex 200m turn left onto path between the new bus lanes and stomp for 20 minutes to the end turn right into mall at traffic lights (aka robots in South Africa). So you get the picture, 20 minutes into the walk on what was a lovely sunny morning the skies darkened Marvel comics style and the heavens opened with rain drops so big i not only got soaked from top down but also the bottom up, within 30 seconds i was soaked to the skin with cold rain, i had just cleaned my kicks and they were so wet there was foam squidging out of them on every step, it was bleak but it got bleaker, the rain only lasted about 3 or 4 minutes and everything in a meteorological sense returned to as it was before the downpour, sun back out and blue skies, i gets to the right turn at the robots (aka traffic lights possibly everywhere else in the the English speaking world), crossed the road, reached t'other side and a massive white pick up truck purposely (i am a paranoid maniac) yes purposely drove through the huge puddle at the side of the road and broadsided me with a wall of water, cock, head to toe, it all happened in slow motion, the pick up came, hit the puddle, the water became a vertical wall 2m wide 2m high wall, i cowered pathetically to the right and sploosh, cheers buddy...

Kind of put me off winter walking for a bit...

Anyroad, 1.2kg more and i have lost 30kg, i've improved my BMI just shy of 9 and almost lost 10% body fat... In 7 weeks time i'll be half way on the weight loss journey, the sun will be back out, the sky blue and hopefully the pick up driver who drenched me will get some bad karma...

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